Mon 27 Jan
Amber....The Real Deal..Curvy and Sexy... $160 Hour ~ Call 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
💋 LexiLayne takes over Lincoln. 👅AmazingReviews 💖 BlondieWithaBooty 4•26one3-53two9📞 - 25
(Lincoln, In and Out 😉 Lincoln)
up earl this sat morning feeling frisky!!!! speacials !!!!come play with me !! 19 hot and ready!!!!! - 19
(Omaha, were u want me)
💞Your DreamGirl Classy Blonde 💫 Call Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Sweetheart 🍪HighlyReviewed - 25
(Omaha, In or Out of Omaha - I Travel)
UpAllNite💞Your DreamGirl Classy Blonde 💫 Call Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Sweetheart 🍪HighlyReviewed - 25
(Omaha, In or Out of Omaha - I Travel)
Well Reviewed & Highly Recommended! **VISITING** 4/27 Thru 5/1 == Energetic, Reliable & FUN! == - 24
(¯`v´¯) ☆ GORGEOUS * °*°K N O C K °*° O U T °*° BRUNETTE ☆ (¯`v´¯) - 20
(omaha/surrounding areas)
**Sexy thick hotties waiting for You**any location in or out - 21
(Omaha, Omaha/Fremont/Council Bluffs)
Sexy Amber (Last Day/Night Available is JAN 6th) $150 HOUR (No Tips Required) !!! Call 402-996-0695 - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
Sexy Amber (Leaving in 2 days) $200 HOUR (No Tips Required) !!! Call 402-996-0695 - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
out to play a little longer one mre night come get ur treat while the others sleep - 19
(Omaha, were u want me)
{ OLdRMN OnL¥ LaTeNight XpReSS ExOT!c BaRBiE The BeSt Of BoTh WorLDs & ReaDy OLderMeN OnLy - 21
💋Oo- La- LATIÑA!💋*Šexÿ & Naùghtÿ 👉Well reviewed & highly recommended! Coming Soon! LööK! - 26
OLdeRMeN --- } o EVERY°MAN'S oFANTASY SoMeTHiNg YoU MuST ExPeRieNCe Now AvaI4-7 No 1DoeS !TBeTTeR~ - 21
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
🌠Highly Reviewed 💞Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes! 💋 - 25
(In or Out of Omaha - I'll come over, Omaha)
}Euphoria with Your DreamGirl🌜Lexi Layne👯Classy Blonde 4¤2'6One3'53Two9 💞AmazingReviews{ - 25
(Omaha, Omaha OutCall- I'll Keep You Company)
( # 1 ) PINK, SweeT & ITaLiaN RiPe StRaWBeRRy ! GeT The BeSt Of BoTh WorLDs & ReaDy OLderMeN OnLy - 21
Sat 11 Jan
_________ _________ __________ _____________ GORGEOUS ____________ _________ _________ _______ - 23
(Omaha, :: OMAHA- Safe, Cozy, Clean Incall ::)
Fri 10 Jan
💖____ NOT your Average GIRL NEXT DOOR!~~ 100% Real ~~ ((So Naughty it's Nice! )) ~~ Sexy Blonde 💖 - 22
(Grand Island)
Thu 09 Jan
HoTT FrSH ITaLiaN BaB ! FanTas¥ DramG!rL LeT Me TaKe U2 My CaNdyShoP N0W AvA!LabL OLdRMN OnL¥ - 21
*☆* =J_U_S_T= {bLoNde} =W_H_A_T= {5★ SeRvIce} =Y_O_U= {'n bUsTy} =W_A_N_T= *☆* - 33
(Omaha, ☆ OmAhA ☆)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
💋 LexiLayne takes over Lincoln. 👅AmazingReviews 💖 BlondieWithaBooty 4•26one3-53two9📞 - 25
(Lincoln, In and Out 😉 Lincoln)
Mon 06 Jan
4 You OLdeRMeN I CaN MaKeYoUFeeL 16AGAIN PeTiTe WaIsT BubbLeBuT 38C CuPs RedHaIr GreeNeYeS CaLLNoW - 22
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
You BetteR SaddLe Up BabY! ThiS CowgiRL'S dOwn CoMe GeT A TaSTe OF PaRaDiSE! OLdeRMeN OnLY - 21
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
{ OLdRMN OnL¥ LaTeNight XpReSS ExOT!c BaRBiE The BeSt Of BoTh WorLDs & ReaDy OLderMeN OnLy - 21
💋Oo- La- LATIÑA!💋*Šexÿ & Naùghtÿ 👉Well reviewed & highly recommended! Coming Soon! LööK! - 26
_________ _________ __________ _____________ GORGEOUS ____________ _________ _________ _______ - 23
(Omaha, :: OMAHA- Safe, Cozy, Clean Incall ::)
Amber ~~~ $160 (no tips needed) !! You Will Love ME!!! 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
Back in town for a few days starting Monday February 1st!! Sexy smokin hot TRUE redhead!!! - 31
5'4/Curvy/Natural DD's~OutCall Only!!! Available 24/7 (Great Service/No Upsell) !!! 402-996-0695 - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
4 You OLdeRMeN I CaN MaKeYoUFeeL 16AGAIN PeTiTe WaIsT BubbLeBuT 38C CuPs RedHaIr GreeNeYeS CaLLNoW - 22
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
5'4/Curvy/Natural DD's~OutCall Only!!! ~~~~~($100 Special This Week Only) !!!~~~~ 402-996-0695 - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
( # 1 ) PINK, SweeT & ITaLiaN RiPe StRaWBeRRy ! GeT The BeSt Of BoTh WorLDs & ReaDy OLderMeN OnLy - 21
Amber....The Real Deal..Curvy and Sexy... $160 Hour ~ Call 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
Sun 05 Jan
Hey Gents!! Last 2 Nights in town!! $160 hour or $100 half special~ Call 402-996-0695 Ask for Amber - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
4 You OLdeRMeN I CaN MaKeYoUFeeL 16AGAIN PeTiTe WaIsT BubbLeBuT 38C CuPs RedHaIr GreeNeYeS CaLLNoW - 21
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
Amber...Curvy💖 Sexy💖 Naughty..$100 OutCall Special !!! Call 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
Amber....The Real Deal..Curvy and Sexy... $160 Hour ~ Call 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
When QUALITY matters book the BEST! Wild, Hot, time! AVAILABLE NOW 24HRS ---> ©OME & NJO ¥ - 21
Well Reviewed & Highly Recommended! **VISITING** 4/27 Thru 5/1 == Energetic, Reliable & FUN! == - 24
out to play a little longer one mre night come get ur treat while the others sleep - 19
(Omaha, were u want me)
🌠Highly Reviewed 💞Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes! 💋 - 25
(In or Out of Omaha - I'll come over, Omaha)
*☆* =J_U_S_T= {bLoNde} =W_H_A_T= {5★ SeRvIce} =Y_O_U= {'n bUsTy} =W_A_N_T= *☆* - 33
(Omaha, ☆ OmAhA ☆)
I'm Awake All Nite! 💋 DreamGirL🌜Lexi Layne👯Classy Blonde 4¤2'6One3'53Two9 💞AmazingReviews{ - 25
(Omaha, In or Out of Omaha - I Travel)
Holiday🍪CookieJar Special DreamGirl £exi £ayne 👯 Classy Blonde 4¤2'6One3'53Two9 💞AmazingReviews - 25
(Omaha, Omaha OutCall- I'll Keep You Company)
EXOTiC SeXXii BAbE🌴💄💢❤💢☆SPECIALS ALL WEEKEND!!☆ 💢❤💢[[281-901-2320]] 💢❤💢SW33T LIKE CANDY🍬🍭🍦🍰 - 21
(Omaha, omaha ; west omaha)
Amber....The Real Deal..Curvy and Sexy... $160 Hour ~ Call 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
Sat 04 Jan
New📷Pics! 🍒Addicting 💋Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 💫 Lexi Layne 402'6One3'53Two9💕 Amazing Reviews - 25
(Omaha, In or Out of Omaha - I Travel)
Holiday🍪CookieJar Special DreamGirl £exi £ayne 👯 Classy Blonde 4¤2'6One3'53Two9 💞AmazingReviews - 25
(Omaha, Omaha OutCall- I'll Keep You Company)
EXOTiC SeXXii BAbE🌴💄💢❤💢☆SPECIALS ALL WEEKEND!!☆ 💢❤💢[[281-901-2320]] 💢❤💢SW33T LIKE CANDY🍬🍭🍦🍰 - 21
(Omaha, omaha ; west omaha)
Amber ~~~ $160 (no tips needed) !! You Will Love ME!!! 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
💖____ NOT your Average GIRL NEXT DOOR!~~ 100% Real ~~ ((So Naughty it's Nice! )) ~~ Sexy Blonde 💖 - 22
(Grand Island)
Amber ~~~ $160 Special This Week Only (No Tips Required) You Will Love ME!!! 402-996-0695 - 28
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
5'4/Curvy/Natural DD's~~$150 ~~ ONLY THIS WEEK...No Tips Needed) ~ 402-996-0695 - 27
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding)
**Sexy thick hotties waiting for You**any location in or out - 21
(Omaha, Omaha/Fremont/Council Bluffs)
ATTenTioN OLderMeN OnLy LeT a ReaL WomaN ShoW U What YouVe BeeN WantinG & NeedinG ReadY NoW 24/7 - 21
(Omaha, Omaha,Ne)
Fri 03 Jan