Sun 05 Jan
Back in town for a few days starting Monday February 1st!! Sexy smokin hot TRUE redhead!!! - 31
Want to make $20,000+ in a few short weeks doing modeling work then READ ON - 34
(Lincoln, Florida and LA)
upscale classy woman and location .romance .. wine.. fire place..pillow top.... fire pit... - 21
(Omaha, downtown...)
*¨¨*:. *PETiTE * .*¨o¨*. * ExOTiC bOMbShELL * .*¨o¨*. * WELL REVIEWED * .*¨o¨*. * - 22
(Omaha, WestRoads Mall Area -Incalls Only-)
What are you waiting for? My FaVoRiTe Hobby is DoMiNaTiNg YOU :) 100% Real DoMiNaTrIx Diva CALL NOW
(Omaha Local Area)
Above Average? Hot and Desire Top Pay to Match? Seeking Attractive, Intelligent, Confident Women - 30
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Areas)
Sat 04 Jan
BRaND NeW ! ✴ BUSTY DD'S✴ 💗✴ ✴💗✴GoRGEoUS ✴💗 ✴✴ 💗 ✴BLoNDE BARBiE 💗✴ $100 HaLf hR✰ ToNiGHT ONLY✰ - 25
(Omaha, ✴ ✴N.W. Omaha/🚫NO OUTCALL✴ ✴)
TOP REVIEWS - Let's have some FUN - I'm Amanda - A Sexy Redhead, with a Hot Body - Incall - 29
(Omaha Downtown - Incall)
Sexi, Sweet!! & Juicy! Like Red Cherry's Available Wit a Reffer a Friend Spcl $120$ - 23
(Omaha, Omaha/CB/Lincoln $200 incall only Near U)
(((( Lisa...Super SExY yet Classy and UnRuSheD! My Pics are REaL! Hope to See YOu SooN! - 25
(Outcall in Omaha Only)
*(¯`'.¸* ___(¯`'.¸* _EXOTIC **ASIAN** BEAUTY *¸.'´¯)___ *¸.'´¯)* ( 100% ReAl PiCs*¸.'´¯)___ *¸!
(NOw Incall or OUtcall)
\\\\\\_ \\\\\\\ __ Venezuelan ___Vixen is Valoptious and Vibrant ____////// __ /////// __ /////// - 24
(West Omaha)
~~~~~ Bring ~~~ The ~~~ Heat ~~~ To ~~~ Your ~~~ Night ~~~~~ - 24
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Areas)
*!C!* AUT!O* !N!*____~ S U P E R H O T ~____ BRUNETTE ____ *BARBiE D0LL* ____ - 21
*125* ☎ o°• A CaLL U wOnt Regret •°o ☎ Mature & SeXy (ONE DAY ONLY) - 34
(Omaha, Upscale/Hotel/Incall & outcall available)
*** Are you ready for an experience you'll never forget*** - 26
(Lincoln, Lincoln and surrounding areas)
Fri 03 Jan
Life is Short...Get SPANKED on LUNCH BREAK ;) 100%REAL dOmMe DiVa Ready 2 Take Charge NOW!!!!
(Omaha Local Area)
°❀° -:¦:- BARBIE -:¦:- BOMBSHELL -:¦:- now -:¦:- avaliable -:¦:- °❀°
(omaha===>> & surr. ArEaS==> In & OuT)
Alyssa~~~Sexy Red~~~ Hot~~~ Alyssa Specials for New Years Eve... All Day 402-637-1747 - 24
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding)